Quotes of the week

"We were short of time and the boys were hungry."

"We were short of time and the boys were hungry."

- Former Samoan prop Pita Fatialofa on why the Samoan pack picked up two cars that were blocking the team bus.

"I got a cut lip. I don't know where I got it from and I won't worry about it."

- Jonah Lomu on the incident when England's Lawrence Dallaglio appeared to catch him with his knee in the face after the All Black wing had scored a try.


"I don't think Neil is interested in records. It's the team performance that matters to Neil."

- Team-mate Mike Voyle talks about Neil Jenkins's reaction to equalling the record for most points scored in internationals. Michael Lynagh was the record holder.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer