Chacun Pour Soi declared non-runner in Cheltenham Champion Chase

Main race of the day was already without Altior, leaving the way clear for Defi Du Seuil

Trainer Willie Mullins with Ruby Walsh and Chacun Pour Soi. Photo: Dan Sheridan/Inpho

Chacun Pour Soi has been declared a non-runner in the Betway Queen Mother Champion Chase at Cheltenham.

Willie Mullins’ charge was set to clash with main market rival Defi Du Seuil in Wednesday’s two-mile Grade One feature, but has been withdrawn with a vets certificate.

Chacun Pour Soi has an abscess and will now miss the race, which is already without defending champion Altior — who was withdrawn on Tuesday after suffering a late setback.

Joe Chambers, racing manager for owner Rich Ricci, said: “He’s just got a bit of pus in a foot. It’s a 24-hour thing.


“It’s disappointing, but what can you do?”