Report raises tax issue for Laporte

French president Nicolas Sarkozy said yesterday Bernard Laporte should be presumed innocent after allegations the France rugby…

French president Nicolas Sarkozy said yesterday Bernard Laporte should be presumed innocent after allegations the France rugby coach was under investigation for tax evasion.

"The presumption of innocence is something that has to exist," Sarkozy told a news conference at a European Union summit in Lisbon when asked to comment on a report that will appear in the L'Equipeweekend magazine today.

L'Equipesaid Laporte faced an investigation from France's tax authorities for alleged tax evasion and various irregularities regarding businesses he is involved in.

Laporte, who owns shares in a casino and campsites and appears in several advertising campaigns, is wearing three caps at the World Cup as France national coach, businessman and future government minister. He will leave coaching to become a junior minister for sport next week.


Sarkozy's spokesman David Martinon said earlier yesterday the media allegations would not stop Laporte from joining the government.