Rory's eternal flame burns a little brighter but will not engulf him yet

Hold the back page: We all have our likes and dislikes, but anyone with a smidgeon of good taste would concede that The Bangles…

Hold the back page:We all have our likes and dislikes, but anyone with a smidgeon of good taste would concede that The Bangles' Eternal Flame was a crime against musicdom, for which the band members should have served time. A heap of it, too.

Why mention it? Well, it popped up on the radio again during the week and, not to depress you, we were reminded it was number one in Ireland in and around the time Rory McIlroy was born. Just the 23 years ago, to be exact – in other words, a wet week ago.

Which made you think: that palaver about McIlroy having a day when he just wanted to walk away? “Close your eyes, give me your hand, darlin’,” is all you can really say to his critics who must never have been 23 and occasionally moody.

And sure, not even a Nike contract can change the human course of things. But, you sense, the “BAD BOY McILROY!” spell has begun.


All so predictable.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times