Rose fails to bloom

Justin Rose slumped to a closing 80 yesterday as his attempt to gain a place on the European tour next season ended in bitter…

Justin Rose slumped to a closing 80 yesterday as his attempt to gain a place on the European tour next season ended in bitter disappointment.

While Scotland's Ross Drummond won the tour qualifying school at San Roque in Spain after a tie with Swede Henrik Nystrom, the 18-year-old from Hampshire finished down in 73rd place, a massive 21 strokes back on 446.

Only the leading 35 players earn a card for next season and Rose missed out by nine shots after the six-day marathon.

There was success, though, for former Ryder Cup star Steve Richardson and for former Walker Cup player Jeremy Robinson - despite his having to use a three-iron as a walking stick because of a bad back.