Johnny Sexton proud of his Leinster brother Nick McCarthy after publicly coming out as gay

Leinster head coach Leo Cullen says the scrumhalf is an excellent role model for young people

Nick McCarthy and Johnny Sexton celebrate a try during a Champions Cup game earlier this year. Photograph: Ryan Byrne/Inpho

Johnny Sexton is “delighted” for his Leinster team-mate and “brother” Nick McCarthy after the scrumhalf’s decision to publicly come out as gay on Monday.

Talking ahead of his departure to New Zealand with the Ireland squad, the Leinster club captain offered his full support to the 27 year-old:

“I’ve known Nick since his time in the academy so to hear him talk to us so openly about his struggles has been tough but we are now just delighted for Nick and that he can be himself.

‘I’m so much happier than I was’ - Leinster’s Nick McCarthy speaks publicly about his sexualityOpens in new window ]

“We talk about looking after our brothers a lot in here and the last few months has been about that, looking out for Nick. And that will continue.


“By speaking openly about his sexuality, Nick will be a role model for others and we couldn’t be prouder of him.”

Leinster head coach Leo Cullen also shared his admiration for the former St Michael’s student and Irish Under-18 and Under-20 international, following his decision to speak publicly about his sexuality for the first time.

We just want what’s best for Nick but he’s going to be an amazing role model

—  Leo Cullen

“Nick told us a while ago and the main thing when I talked to him first, was that it was great that he was able to talk openly to us.

“Nick is a brilliant individual and we are supportive of him. That’s the most important bit for me. We want to make sure that all our guys are able to maximise their ability and be able to bring all of themselves to Leinster while they are here.

“To be at your best you need to make sure you are working hard but also it’s about being yourself and it’s important you’re not battling against being yourself. So doing what’s in your heart, I guess, so we are pleased that Nick has been able to come out with this news so he can start being more comfortable just being himself.”

Leinster coach Leo Cullen reflects on what it means for the team after Nick McCarthy spoke publicly about his sexuality. Video: Leinster TV

Cullen believes McCarthy will be an excellent role model to others struggling with coming out in sporting environments:

“Nick has definitely had a battle going on in the back of his mind, and I’m sure there are other young people going through something similar.

“He will be an amazing role model to people because he’s a great person in the group. He’s very popular in the squad.

“We just want what’s best for Nick but he’s going to be an amazing role model, we hope, to lots of young people out there.”

Eamon Donoghue

Eamon Donoghue

Eamon Donoghue is a former Irish Times journalist