All Blacks scrumhalf in hot water

Jimmy Cowan's future in the New Zealand team hangs in the balance, after the scrumhalf was arrested and charged with disorderly…

Jimmy Cowan's future in the New Zealand team hangs in the balance, after the scrumhalf was arrested and charged with disorderly behaviour.

The 26-year-old was arrested outside a bar in Invercargill in the early hours of yesterday morning — and is also facing charges relating to an incident in Dunedin on May 12th.

Cowan will face a New Zealand Rugby Union misconduct hearing in Wellington tomorrow and could face punishment ranging from a warning to dismissal.

The closed meeting will be conducted by All Blacks team manager Darren Shand and NZRU general manager of professional rugby Neil Sorensen.


"Normally we would wait till the courts had dealt with any charges before we meet with a player. But Jimmy has had a second incident in a very short space of time and we want to act now and resolve it," Shand explained.

"We understand no-one was hurt and no property was damaged. But clearly it is a pattern of behaviour that indicates he doesn't make good decisions when he's been drinking."

Shand admits the controversy is a distraction in the build-up to Saturday's opening Tri-Nations match against South Africa.

"It's not the best preparation to play the world champions," he said.