Eddie Jones focuses on pragmatism over patriotism with ‘hated’ England

The Six Nations visit of Ireland will be his first game at Twickenham since taking over

BAGSHOT, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 22: Eddie Jones, the England head coach, poses after the media session held at Pennyhill Park on February 22, 2016 in Bagshot, England. (Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images)

Asking a forthright Australian to discuss the popularity level of the English is like inviting Boris Johnson to share his views on the French. Eddie Jones's position on the European Union remains unknown but, in the week of his first Twickenham international as coach, he has cheerfully stirred the nationalistic pot by claiming the other Six Nations countries still harbour an instinctive "hatred" of England.

While Jones has been in charge for only two games, both of which yielded wins, in Edinburgh and Rome respectively, he already has a sense of why England find it hard to win the annual championship. "Maybe Clive Woodward summed it up best when he said everyone hates England," suggests Jones. "It's true. Because of the history that is involved with England and the surrounding countries there's that long-seated hatred of England and you can feel that."

Jones's predecessor Stuart Lancaster went to extreme lengths to present Englishness - and English rugby - in a more rosy light but the new managerial regime has yet to decide whether to stick to some of the modern matchday rituals, such as players disembarking from the team bus and walking to the dressing room through a patriotic human tunnel of fans. Jones will leave it to his squad to decide, rather than actively seeking to use the flag of St George as a key motivational tool.

“I’m not going to use it ? it’s not a significant part of our preparation. It’s what we do out on the field during the week that will count. I’m not denigrating what’s been done in the past, it’s whatever the players want to do.


“As I said when I took over I’m not English, I’m Australian. I will be absolutely committed to them but I am not going to talk to them about things I don’t understand. We’ve got staff who can do that and if we think it is appropriate we will but it’s not something I’ll be staying up at night worrying about.”

Entering Twickenham's hallowed portals before the Ireland game on Saturday will also mean precious little to Jones if there is no subsequent win to enjoy. As Australia's coach, Jones was in charge against England three times in south-west London and won only once. "It was always a difficult place to play and win at. I think I only won one game there and I can still remember the try that won us the game. You felt the intensity of the crowd support and it was always bleak and miserable. Traditionally, England always played better there. It was a heavy pitch, it was hard to move the ball and it was hard for Australian sides to play there. But it's going to be beautiful and sunny on Saturday in our minds."

Securing the right result, in Jones's view, will boil down more to what happens during the next few days in training than what may or may not be said in the dressing room in the 40 minutes before kick-off. With Manu Tuilagi and Henry Slade still out of the immediate equation and Bath's Ollie Devoto also sidelined with concussion, Jones revealed he had invited Wasps' Elliot Daly to have a run at 12 in practice, with encouraging results. Given the uncapped Daly can also play at 13 and 15, it may just be the centre is edging closer to a replacement role against the Irish, despite Luther Burrell's squad return, should Jones revert to three backs rather than two among his eight-strong bench.

Maro Itoje also continues to push hard for a starting place at number six but those expecting England to burst suddenly into attacking life against Ireland have been warned by Jones not to get too carried away. "I was interested to read we are a disappointment because we haven't played any expansive rugby. We've only been together four weeks. There must be some magic dust out there; I need to buy some."

“I am really pleased how the players are working but we are a work in progress. The end destination for us is 2019, that’s where I expect us to be at our absolute best. That’s not to say we can’t be good enough to win tournaments and Test matches along the way. That’s our aim.”

Whether Tuilagi proves to be an integral part of England’s future is just one of several fascinating subplots, with Jones reiterating the Leicester centre could yet be considered for the Wales game next month.

It would seem a remote possibility but Jones is already convinced of one thing, namely the big man's best position. "He's not a 13, mate, he's definitely a 12." Against Ireland, however, Owen Farrell is again poised to fill that jersey, leaving Tuilagi free to play for the Tigers against London Irish on Sunday.

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