Racing 92 deny Dan Carter used TUE after drug test issues

Results from Carter, Joe Rokocoko and Juan Imhoff reportedly showed anomalies

Joe Rokocoko of Racing 92 and Dan Carter of Racing 92 celebrate following their side’s victory during the European Rugby Champions Cup Quarter Final between Racing 92 and RC Toulon at Stade Yves Du Manoir last April. Photo: Getty Images

French champions Racing 92 have defended star players Dan Carter, Joe Rokocoko and Juan Imhoff after a report claimed traces of steroids showed up in their drug tests following the Top 14 final.

Racing said the players did not require therapeutic use exemptions (TUEs) when they were treated prior to the June 24th match against Toulon and promised to help authorities with any investigations.

French sports newspaper L’Equipe alleged “traces of corticosteroids” were found in the urine samples produced by the Racing players when they were tested by the French anti-doping agency after the fixture, which was played at the Nou Camp.

Corticosteroids are used to help reduce inflammation.


The management company representing Carter and Rokocoko said it had been “aware of the issue for a few weeks”. The Essentially Group’s Simon Porter told the New Zealand Herald: “Our understanding and assurances we’ve had are all the documents around TUEs were in place.”

Carter was receiving medication for a calf injury, Porter said, while Rokocoko was recovering from a knee problem.

Racing’s statement in response to the story appeared to indicate TUEs were not in place, with the club confident they were not required.

The club from the Paris suburbs said: “All the medical acts carried out on the players cited by the media have been in total respect of national and international anti-doping rules, as well as in the sense of administrative and medical procedures.

“It is treatment administered in an authorised manner, provided in response to proven pathologies, several days before the Top 14 final and not needing a TUE.

“Racing 92 will collaborate with all the relevant medical investigative authorities in order for the debate to subside and so everyone is given a full understanding.

“All the medical protocols are clear. Transparency will be total. We’re on the side of those who fight for a clean and respectful sport.

“Juan Imhoff, Joe Rokocoko and Dan Carter are everyday examples of behaviour, generosity and ethics.”

Carter was named man of the match in Racing’s 29-21 victory over Toulon.