Rugby World Cup: George Clancy and John Lacey on referee panel

No Irish among assistant referees or television match officials

George Clancy: part of a 12-member panel that will referee at Rugby World Cup 2015. Photograph: James Crombie/Inpho

Ireland's George Clancy and John Lacey have been chosen as part of a 12-member panel that will referee at Rugby World Cup 2015. World Rugby also confirmed seven assistant referees and four television match officials, none of whom are Irish, who will officiate in matches at the global tournament.

The Munster duo will join three French men, the biggest representation from a single nation.

Included in the list is South African Craig Joubert who presided over New Zealand's 8-7 World Cup final victory over France in 2011. JP Doyle represents the English RFU, even though he is Irish born.

The full list of referees with their union and number of tests in brackets is: Wayne Barnes (RFU, 57), George Clancy (IRFU, 38), JP Doyle (RFU, 12), Jérôme Garcès (FFR, 22), Pascal Gaüzère (FFR, 17), Glen Jackson (NZR, 10), Craig Joubert (SARU, 55), John Lacey (IRFU, 13), Nigel Owens (WRU, 60), Jaco Peyper (SARU, 20), Romain Poite (FFR, 39) and Chris Pollock (NZR, 18).In addition, the full list of assistant referees with their union and number of tests as AR in brackets is: Federico Anselmi (UAR, five), Stuart Berry (SARU, 15), Mike Fraser (NZR, 10), Angus Gardner (ARU, two), Leighton Hodges (WRU, 19), Marius Mitrea (FIR, 13), Mathieu Raynal (FFR, nine).


The television match officials for the six-week tournament are: George Ayoub (ARU, 33), Graham Hughes (RFU, 60) Ben Skeen (NZR, 11) and Shaun Veldsman (SARU, 50).