S Africa delay naming team

South Africa were doing their best to engage in some mind games ahead of tomorrow's Test match against Wales at Cardiff's Millennium…

South Africa were doing their best to engage in some mind games ahead of tomorrow's Test match against Wales at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium.

While Wales stuck to usual rugby practice by announcing their team 48 hours ahead of the match, the Springboks were refusing to confirm their side because of worries about the Millennium Stadium's roof.

South Africa tour spokesman Freddie Hendricks said: "The team will be announced tomorrow (Saturday). The reason for the delay is that we don't know whether the roof will be open or closed.

"If the roof is closed we can play a more open game; if it is open we will have a to play a tighter game."


However, Hendricks was flatly contradicted by a spokesman for the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU). "They know the roof won't be closed just like everyone knows they won't bring Pretoria 6,000 feet down to sea level," said the spokesman in a reference to the Springboks' habit of playing Tests at the most difficult venue for a touring side to acclimatise to quickly.

Neil Jenkins, Wales' world record international points scorer, has won the battle for the outhalf berth ahead of Swansea's Arwel Thomas, regarded as more of a flair player than his Cardiff counterpart. Thomas is on the bench.

Jenkins, omitted from recent victories over minnows Samoa and the USA could become the first player to score1,000 international points. So far he has racked up 991 points for Wales and the Lions.