
"We worked incredibly hard for this, harder than in 1995

"We worked incredibly hard for this, harder than in 1995. Hours in the gym, nights in Crusheen and Shannon, things which people don't see. Looking back it's good to have beaten Cork, Kilkenny, and Tipp twice in the one season. It's a great way to win it."

- Jamesie O'Connor on Clare's All-Ireland hurling victory over Tipperary.

"I don't feel triumphant over Tipperary. I appreciate them all the more. One of the greatest hurling counties in Ireland and we were out there as equals and battled it out that way. No grudges. We shook hands at the end. Two great teams. One of the greatest All-Irelands we have ever seen. Couldn't ask for a better game. Great day."

- Clare manager Ger Loughnane.


"There were those who tried to belittle our achievements yesterday, but all we can say to them is: `to hell with the begrudgers and up the banner."'

- Loughnane, who took exception to the analysis of the final by Sunday Game panellist Eamonn Cregan, on Clare's arrival back at Shannon Airport.

"It was an unbelievable experience to play today. The zenith, the peak. I was privileged to get on. I just went out and kept my head down and did my best for the green and gold. I'm a very happy man."

- Mike Frank Russell who came on for the last 12 minutes of Kerry's All-Ireland final win over Mayo.

"The kicking of Maurice was what got us through. He was the difference between the two teams. He deserves all the credit he will get from today. Maurice is getting the All-Ireland medal he deserves. He is truly exceptional."

- Pa Laide praises his Kerry team-mate Maurice Fitzgerald, the man-of-the-match in the All-Ireland football final.

"It's more enjoyable as a player but when you are two stone overweight and 44 years of age and going slow, winning one as a manager isn't."

- Kerry manager Paidi O Se.

"Feelings? Maybe I'm not articulate enough to express my feelings. If you get a picture of me with a smile on my face that will tell you. That should say enough."

- Mick McCarthy after Ireland's victory in Lithuania kept their World Cup hopes alive.

"That little man? He can't stop the Ryder Cup. He's like a machine-gunner shooting in all directions. He is trying to be a hero for a week. We would be out of our minds to change the decision."

- Seve Ballesteros on Miguel Angel Mar- tin's threat to court in an attempt to get his place on the European Ryder Cup team.

"Luckily it was downwind and with a flying lie, otherwise I'd be off being drugs-tested."

- Laura Davies after hitting a four-iron 243 yards during her third round at the Hennessy Cup in Cologne.


"Allowing councillors to nominate two different candidates for the Presidential election would have been like letting the Kerry trainer pick the Mayo team for the All-Ireland final. "There is some evidence that he did."

- Mayo man Pat Rabbitte, still recovering from another All-Ireland defeat, responds to Alan Dukes on Questions and Answers.

"It was surprising, suddenly there was a blue car beside me. Jacques was being optimistic. The move worked for him, but not for me. I was very surprised that he did what he did, but he had nothing to lose. It's a big disappointment not winning, but that's how it is. This is not the happiest day in my life."

- Michael Schumacher on his crash with Jacques Villeneuve in the final Grand Prix of the season.

"I wasn't surprised when he turned in on me. Maybe his eyes were closed or his hand slipped off the steering wheel."

- Villeneuve's view of the incident.

"I am human and, unfortunately, make mistakes. I do not make many, but will learn from it."

- Schumacher takes another look at the replay of the crash.

"This is just unbelievable. I never thought I could win this race. I still don't know how I did it but it is just fantastic."

- McLaren's Mika Hakkinen expresses his surprise at winning his first ever grand prix. See next quote, Mika.

"Hakkinen quite quick and very helpful. Be aware that Hakkinen is now in position two. He probably wants to win. Very helpful. Hakkinen has been very helpful. Jacques, position two. Don't let me down, Jacques. We have discussed this."

- The secret recording of instructions given to Villeneuve by Williams race engineer Jock Clear during the race to allow Hakkinen win the race for McLaren.

"I truly think that everyone hates me. I truly believe that. Because no one gets punished more than I am. But I understand I'm a big boy, and I believe big boys have big ordeals to be dealt with. I really think I'll be banned for the rest of my life."

- Tyson on the ear-biting incident.

"My daughter likes boxing and while she's enjoying it I'm allowing her to do it. If she wanted to go horse riding then I would take her horse riding. It's just the same."

- Ken Brammer, father of 13-year-old Emma, whose fight against Andrea Prime (also 13) was called off after protests.

"If women want to box then no one should stop them . . . I just thought they had more sense."

- Anita DeFrantz, vice-president of the IOC.

"He is a few French fries short of a Happy Meal. His mind goes on vacation and leaves his mouth in charge."

- David Feherty, the former Ryder Cup golfer, on Colin Montgomerie.

"He looked like a pint of Guinness running around in the second half."

- Paul Gascoigne on England colleague Paul Ince, who sported a large white head bandage during the World Cup qualifying match against Italy.

"There was only one Matthew Harding and, if I might say so, thank God for that. I don't think I could have coped with two of them."

- Chelsea chairman Ken Bates on Matthew Harding, the director who died a year ago.


"My thoughts changed when I saw the players coming in. I was angry and upset and feeling sorry for myself until I saw the players. I felt sorry for them. I've been to a World Cup. I've been there."

- Mick McCarthy after Belgium knocked Ireland out of the World Cup in Brussels.

"He's just another flash football star, a flash boy racer with too much money and not enough brains. It's boys like him that keep me in a job."

- Kim Wright, who works for a car repair firm, on Manchester City's Georgi Kinkladze, who wrote off his Ferrari in a motorway accident.

"I don't know why, but as soon as I reach the finish line, I suck my coach's blood from his finger and I feel refreshed."

- South East Asian Games women's marathon champion Ruwiyati, of Indonesia, whose warming down ritual started when she bit coach Alwi Mugiyanto's neck after a 1993 race. Ugh.

"I know why he's bought a house by the sea - so he'll be able to go for a morning walk on the water."

- Fred Trueman on Geoff Boycott's decision to leave Yorkshire for Dorset.

"The most educated person at Real Madrid is the woman who cleans the lavatories."

- Barcelona vice-president Joan Gaspart, upset at his treatment by Real officials during his side's 3-2 victory in Madrid.

"I liked my wine and cheese. A good vin rouge and brie are a long way from the days at Millwall with a pint of lager and the pie and mash shop in Greenwich."

- Tony Cascarino contrasts life at Marseille with his time at Millwall.

"You look at Carlton and you reckon he covers every blade of grass - but that's because his first touch is crap."

- Southampton manager Dave Jones, err, on the qualities of Carlton Palmer.

"We did all right in the first and second phases but it was the third, fourth, fifth and sixth that finished us."

- Kevin Nowlan, Irish full-back, on his international debut in the 63-15 defeat by New Zealand.


"If we draw Iran we'll go to FIFA and ask them for an Iraqi referee and watch the fun."

- Alan Rothenberg, head of the US soccer federation, before the World Cup draw. Iran and the US were indeed drawn in the same group.

"It seems there is one rule for the Dubs and another rule for the country."

- Tommy Cullen, father of Finbar, who lost three teeth in an incident involving Dublin player Paul Curran, who was banned for three months."

"Go and deflate yourself, you balloon."

- South Africa's Darryl Cullinan bowls out Australia's Shane Warne in a one-day match in Sydney and gives him some dietary advice as he returns to the pavilion.

"She's a great filly. I once rode her mother on the Curragh."

- RTE's Ted Walsh. Who else?