Shaping up to play key role

Michael Walker talks to Newcastle United midfielder Kieron Dyer who, after a catalogue of injuries, feels he owes the fans a…

Michael Walkertalks to Newcastle United midfielder Kieron Dyer who, after a catalogue of injuries, feels he owes the fans a long run of good displays

Kieron Dyer was 28 yesterday. That does not make him old, but the Newcastle United midfielder is no longer young and one comment revealed that significant maturity may have set in during the long weeks and months spent in hospitals and gymnasiums over the years.

Dyer, who has come to tearful verdicts about the state of his health and career, said: "I feel I owe the supporters a long run of good performances, not a handful."

Coming from Dyer this is a welcome dose of common sense, which has not always been in evidence, his off-the-field activities being, as they say, well documented.


But part of his problem - not his fault - is that his speed of movement prompts others into equally swift analysis. Thus the two goals he has scored in his past two Newcastle appearances - one a smooth finish against Tottenham, the other at Bolton on Monday - have brought a surge of enthusiasm about what he might bring to Newcastle's season and, whisper it, England's.

What is ignored is that he has completed three 90 minutes in the Premiership this season, making a total of four in the whole of 2006. His 2007 resolution is to become a reliable physical specimen and, given that he has not managed five consecutive Premiership 90 minutes since this time two years ago, such a run should probably be enough.

But because he can do what so few can, "run with the ball virtually as quickly as without it" in the words of Newcastle's manager, Glenn Roeder, Dyer has stirred expectations once again. Three times of late the England manager, Steve McClaren, has been to St James' Park to check on him. There has also been a visit to the training ground and, provided he can prove his fitness, he will be in McClaren's squad for the friendly with Spain at Old Trafford on February 7th.

Conscious that Newcastle fans do not want to hear about international duty, not least because of Michael Owen's World Cup injury, Dyer said: "It's ridiculous to be thinking about England at the moment. I've had a chat with Steve McClaren and he said some things to me which were very encouraging, but I don't think it's right to talk about England when I am still easing my way back into things with Newcastle. I find all the international talk a bit embarrassing because I've still not played 10 straight games for Newcastle."

His troublesome hamstrings, allied to lower-back problems and a genetic liver complaint, appear to have been eased by lengthy bouts of recuperation. "He deserves a degree of luck to stay fit and we have no reason to believe he won't," Roeder said.

"Even though it will be still three or four games before he is fully match-fit, our analysis of every game shows that he is running more than anyone else, no matter who we play. If he stays fit - and he's running faster than for 18 months - then at 28 his best years are in front of him, his best five seasons are in front of him."

And once fully fit a debate can start as to where Dyer belongs. An all-action midfielder when he signed from Ipswich for £6 million in 1999, he, Roeder and McClaren now see him primarily as a forward. The England manager is believed to see him in the same light as Wayne Rooney - someone different.

Dyer's highest goal return in a Premiership season is five, so a forward role might cause concern. "One of the main criticisms of me is that I have not scored enough, but if you look at my record when I've played as a striker it's pretty good," he countered. "To get three in six games since I returned is great. But I want to keep it going."

The lack of complacency in that last remark suggests those conversations with Graeme Souness about wasted talent may have told. Souness had to collect him from a police station shortly after the Scot's arrival as manager, Dyer having been caught urinating in the street. The two men still talk and Dyer has also repaired his fractured relationship with Bobby Robson. This and his comments, as much as his recent goals, are reasons for optimism. Just not too much of it too soon.

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