Shock defeat for Leinster

Leinster fell to a surprise defeat in this senior schools' inter-provincial at Ravenhill last night

Leinster fell to a surprise defeat in this senior schools' inter-provincial at Ravenhill last night. This was the first time the province had been beaten by Ulster in 10 years.

Full back Jonathan Blair gave the home team their first points after just three minutes, when he landed a long-range penalty. Ulster's dominance in the forward exchanges laid the basis for their win, and it was fitting that their try in the 28th minute came from this sector. From a well-won line-out ball, Ulster hooker Andrew crashed over for an unconverted try.

Midway through the second half Leinster cut into the Ulster lead with a penalty from out-half Andrew Dunne, but they failed to make any further impression on the scoreboard as the Ulster forwards continued to control the game.