SJAI loses funding

The show jumping Association of Ireland (SJAI) has lost its Sports Council funding for the current year and future backing is…

The show jumping Association of Ireland (SJAI) has lost its Sports Council funding for the current year and future backing is now in jeopardy following the association's failure to meet yesterday's deadline for resolving queries still hanging over the 1997 accounts.

A sum of £200,000 is still under investigation from last year's figures and the Sports Council had insisted that until the auditors' qualification had been removed from the accounts, no funding would be paid out for 1998.

Backing up the Sports Council's stance, the Equestrian Federation of Ireland (EFI) imposed a December 18th deadline, but the SJAI failed to produce amended accounts by the close of play yesterday and the £53,000 grant is now forfeit.

In a five-paragraph statement issued yesterday, the federation expressed its regret at the SJAI's failure to meet the deadline, but went on to voice fears of "the possible effect on future funding for the SJAI and for its individual members".


"Unless remedial action is taken by the SJAI in the near future, we may find ourselves in a disadvantaged position with the Irish Sports Council with regard to joint initiatives planned for 1999, which affect other equestrian disciplines."

The loss of the 1998 Sports Council grant, however, pales into insignificance when the financial status of the SJAI as a whole is taken into consideration. As well as the £200,000 that remains unaccounted for in last year's figures, a further £300,000 has been spent this season, although that at least can be itemised in detail.

But the association is now in serious financial trouble. It has reached its credit limit and cash flow is a major problem until the 1999 registration fees start to come in at the beginning of the new year.

Future funding from the Sports Council is also under threat, with EFI secretary general Colonel Ned Campion revealing that the SJAI submission for next year's grant was not sent as part of this week's federation application, "because the Sports Council will not consider it at this stage".

Campion said that the Sports Council would consider a special separate submission from the SJAI, "when it gets its house in order", but stated that the Sports Council is "adamant about total accountability and transparency".