Soccer idol sheds tears

Argentina's fallen soccer idol Diego Maradona broke down in tears on the phone to local television on Monday, describing the …

Argentina's fallen soccer idol Diego Maradona broke down in tears on the phone to local television on Monday, describing the pain of his suspension from soccer and his struggle with drug addiction. "I can tell all those who are already giving me up for dead that I'm already carrying too heavy a cross with this addiction for them to come along. They want me off the soccer pitch, which is where I feel happy," a rambling, emotional Maradona told local television, apparently speaking from home.

He did not deny that he had taken prohibited substances before failing a dope test last week but hinted that a scheduled second test today may not confirm the result.

Argentine soccer authorities announced last Thursday that Maradona had tested positive to banned substances after his first league match of the new season for Boca Juniors.