Clubs worried return of Premier League may spark rise in Covid-19

Top-flight clubs to discuss how league can be restarted while protecting players and public

Manchester United fans watch from the stand during the Premier League match between Manchester United and Manchester City at Old Trafford on March 8th. Photograph: Ashley Donelon/Manchester United via Getty Images

Premier League clubs are concerned about supporters gathering outside stadiums if the season resumes and fear football will be blamed if breaches of physical distancing guidelines result in a rise in coronavirus cases.

Although the British government this week declared its desire to see football back “as soon as possible”, it is understood a range of potential complications will be raised when top-flight clubs hold a pivotal meeting on Friday to discuss how to complete the season. Several clubs are worried about the public gathering outside stadiums where games are taking place behind closed doors, and there are reservations about how to solve contract issues involving players, the capacity for testing and whether playing in neutral venues would be an artificial construct.

Many issues have not yet been properly discussed, with one official saying clubs remain in the dark over a restart plan, and that Friday’s meeting will be key to finding a path towards a potential resumption in mid-June. Yet, with some clubs questioning whether the government is trying to use football as a distraction amid criticism of its Covid-19 strategy and tensions over the lockdown, there is a growing feeling that the Premier League’s return could have unwanted consequences.

Mass gatherings

Several clubs fear the prospect of mass gatherings outside stadiums, or supporters meeting in homes to watch games, and there are concerns that even playing at neutral venues may not dissuade fans from travelling. Worries also surround supporters moving into public spaces to celebrate major victories, and one club questioned whether it would be possible to stop people playing football in parks if the professional game is back on television screens. Clubs do not want to become scapegoats.


Ultimately the league's approach will be informed by the government and medical experts. There is no desire to return before it is safe and although Premier League sides are watching with interest as the Bundesliga prepares to resume on May 9th, they know there is more capacity for testing in Germany than in the UK. Clubs do not want to take tests from the NHS or key workers. One club said fans had contacted them to express concerns about restarting the season.

There are also issues regarding the safety of players and other essential personnel. One solution is for clubs to quarantine themselves within St George’s Park national football centre or play games at training grounds, but some teams are worried about eradicating home advantage or feel playing at neutral venues would hurt competitive integrity.

The emerging picture is that a consensus across the league is yet to be achieved, with the clubs most determined to finish the season wondering whether self-interest is behind some concerns raised by others. Where there is widespread agreement is on the issue of how to deal with players whose contracts run out on June 30th. Clubs fear being exploited by agents if the season runs beyond that and negotiations are needed over short-term extensions.

Broadcasting money

Discussions over what to do next will be shaped by the knowledge that Premier League clubs stand to lose up to £1.137 billion (€1.305 billion) collectively if the season does not finish and they have to pay back broadcasting money. One executive told the Guardian that clubs could each lose up to £40 million (€45.9 million)if there are no games on television and around £10 million (€11.4 million) if games take place without supporters. Mindful of the row in Scotland, there is an acceptance that scrapping the season could create a legal minefield if clubs are relegated or there is no promotion from the Championship.

The Premier League, along with other major sports, will meet senior officials from the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the chief medical officer’s team on Thursday or Friday to discuss the steps required to get sport up and running again. Items on the agenda will include when physical distancing guidelines to allow contact in training and matches could be relaxed, how often players should be tested in the weeks ahead, and the number of medical staff, officials and media able to attend matches behind closed doors.

The Guardian understands that Britain's culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, and England's deputy chief medical officer, Jonathan Van-Tam, are likely to attend the talks. However it has been made clear to the cross-sport working group that any decision affecting sport will not happen in isolation.