Mario Balotelli apologises for controversial Instagram post

FA may charge Liverpool striker for post prompting accusations of racism and antisemitism

Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli has apologised for a controversial Instagram post which led to accusations of racism and antisemitism and may be charged by the FA

Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli has apologised for posting an image on Instagram that prompted accusations of racism and antisemitism.

On Monday, the Italy international reposted an image of the Nintendo character Super Mario on his social media feed that contained the words “jumps like a black man and grabs coins like a jew”.

A spokesman for the Football Association has already confirmed they are looking into whether to charge Balotelli for bringing the game into disrepute.

However the 24-year-old again took to social media on Tuesday to explain his actions, stating that it had not been his intention to cause offence.


“I apologize if I’ve offended anyone. The post was meant to be anti-racist with humour,” he wrote on Twitter.

“I now understand that out of context [IT]may have the opposite effect. Not all Mexicans have moustache, not all black people jump high and not all Jewish people love money. I used a cartoon done by someone else because it had Super Mario and I thought it was funny and not offensive. Again, I’m sorry.”

Balotelli was widely criticised for the image, which he deleted on Instagram, and had already addressed claims that his message was antisemitic. “My Mom is jewish so all of u shut up please,” he wrote on Monday in reference to his foster mother, Silvia.

The former Manchester City striker will miss Liverpool’s visit to Leicester City on Tuesday because of a groin injury.

(Guardian service)