Ryan Giggs pleads not guilty to domestic abuse charges

Former Manchester United player facing charges of assaulting two women

Former Manchester United player Ryan Giggs is facing a total of three charges causing actual bodily harm to a woman, common assault of a woman and one count of coercive and controlling behaviour. Photograph: Getty Images

Wales manager Ryan Giggs has denied charges of assaulting two women and controlling or coercive behaviour.

The former Manchester United winger pleaded not guilty to an allegation he was violent and engaged in behaviour towards his ex-girlfriend including isolation, belittling, humiliation, harassment, degradation and abuse, Manchester Magistrates' Court heard during a short hearing on Wednesday.

Giggs also entered a not guilty plea of actual bodily harm to PR executive Kate Greville, 36, at his home in Worsley, Greater Manchester in England on November 1st last year.

He has also been charged with the common assault of Emma Greville, understood to be Ms Greville's younger sister, during the same alleged incident.


The charge of controlling and coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship alleges the abuse lasted almost three years, between December 2017 and November 2020.

The 47-year-old appeared in the dock for his first court appearance as the three charges against him were read out and he entered his not guilty pleas.

Giggs, who spoke only to confirm his name, address and enter his not guilty pleas, has been bailed to appear at Manchester Crown Court on May 26th.

His conditions of bail are he must not contact Kate or Emma Greville or go to any address where they are.

The hearing, lasting 13 minutes, dealt with procedural matters as the case was sent to the crown court for a further hearing.

The Football Association of Wales confirmed last week that Giggs would not be leading their men's team at this summer's European Championship, with Robert Page taking the reins.