Fifa ethics committee open formal proceedings against Valcke

Committee recommended a nine-year ban for Fifa secretary general Jerome Valcke

Fifa Secretary General Jerome Valcke involved in alleged corruption involving the sale of World Cup tickets, among the dozens of scandals rocking football’s crisis-plagued governing body. Photograph: Christian Hartmann/Reuters

The possibility of a lengthy ban for suspended Fifa secretary general Jerome Valcke has moved a step closer after the world governing body's ethics committee opened formal proceedings against him.

It follows a report by the investigatory arm of the ethics committee which on Tuesday announced it has recommended a nine-year ban for the Frenchman on charges of conflict of interest and giving or receiving gifts.

Valcke is alleged to have been involved in a plan to sell World Cup tickets on the black market. He has strongly denied any wrongdoing, saying his conduct has always been "exemplary".

A Fifa ethics committee statement said: “The adjudicatory chamber has studied the report carefully and decided to institute formal adjudicatory proceedings against Mr Valcke.”