Too cruel for words: these messages sent to Scotland on Wednesday night, along with the photo above.
Adam Devlin: Dear Scotland, Can you water the plants and put the bins out please, we've decided to stay another week. Thanks, #ENG #WAL #NIR #IRE x
Joe Atherton: Don't worry Scotland, Wimbledon starts soon

Steve Grant: Hello? Scotland? Yeah, can you take the milk in next week as well? Something's just come up..." #EURO2016 #ENG #WAL #IRE #NIR
Picture Perfect
Perhaps the most hailed photo of the night from Lille was the one taken by Laurent Dubrule of the European Pressphotography Agency, showing Robbie Brady embracing his partner Kerrie Harris after the game, with his brother Gareth (right) looking on. One person captioned it kind of incorrectly, though, saying it was "Robbie Brady celebrating with his brother", to which a chap by the name of Lewis replied, "Bloody hell, his brother's fit."
Quotes of the Day
"My head's not really working." Robbie Brady in his post-match chat, to which a nation replied: 'It worked when it mattered, ya ledge!'
"Robbie Brady you absolute ride." Shane Lowry, sharing the love on the Tweet machine.
"Imagine there was once a time when the law would not allow me to marry Robbie Brady."
Newstalk's Oisin Langan on finding the love of his life.
Numbers of the Day
That's the percentage of goals in the group stage that were scored after the 80th minute, the last one from . . . you know yourself.
1.45 million
That was the peak audience for RTE's coverage of the Italian game. TV3 are yet to release their figures for their coverage of Sweden v Belgium at the same time, but it's likely to have been just the Swedish and Belgian ambassadors watching.
You what?
How many of you woke up on Thursday morning and wondered if it had all been a dream? reader Mickey Cummins was possibly one, so his heart was surely broken when he turned on Aertel and was greeted with a "Ireland head home after Italy draw" headline. All we can assume is that after Wes missed that chance, the Aertel person said 'feck this for a lark' and went home. (As put it, though, "we're just surprised that Aertel still exists". Us too).
Brady the man for Rio
There were generally supportive responses to Graeme McDowell’s statement on Twitter about him ruling himself out of taking part in the Olympics because his wife is expecting a baby. One chap was particularly calm about it all and had a sub already lined up: “Gonna replace u with Robbie Brady, mate.”