Fifa hand over records from Sepp Blatter’s office

Switzerland authorities seize data and documents from soccer body’s computers

The headquarters of soccer’s international governing body Fifa in Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss authorities said Fifa had handed over more IT data, including records from Fifa president Sepp Blatter’s office. File photograph: Ruben Sprich/Reuters

Switzerland's office of the attorney general (OAG) said soccer's governing body Fifa had handed over more IT data on Wednesday, including, according to one source, records from Fifa president Sepp Blatter's office.

The OAG seized data and documents stored in computer systems at Fifa last month as part of criminal proceedings related to the allocation of the 2018 and 2022 Fifa World Cups.

On Wednesday it received more data that it had requested from Fifa last month.

“I can confirm that Fifa handed over today seized IT data to the OAG,” a spokesman said in an emailed statement.


“As already communicated, the OAG has opened criminal proceedings against persons unknown.”

The OAG will look to speak with Mr Blatter and other officials if they are of interest to its investigation, the spokesman said.

A source close to the Swiss inquiry indicated that records from Mr Blatter’s office were part of the investigation.

Jerome Valcke

The news was first reported by the BBC, which said data was also taken from the offices of Fifa secretary general Jerome Valcke and the group's head of finance.

"As confirmed by the office of the attorney general of Switzerland, Fifa today provided the requested IT data as scheduled," Fifa said in an emailed comment.

The OAG suspects that irregularities occurred in the allocation of the Fifa World Cups of 2018 and 2022, which were awarded to Russia and Qatar respectively.
