Uefa finance director Koller to oversee FAI finances in Dublin

Koller follows Noel Mooney on secondment in advisory role at Abbotstown

Uefa finance director Josef Koller will move to Dublin on secondment to oversee all financial matters at the FAI. Photograph: Harold Cunningham/Uefa via Getty Images

Uefa's finance director Josef Koller is being sent to Dublin to oversee all financial matters at the Football Association of Ireland.

Similar to his colleague Noel Mooney, who was last week seconded to the new role of general manager, Koller's advisory position in Abbotstown will be temporary.

Five separate investigations are currently being carried out on the FAI relating to governance and finances. They are without a treasurer since Eddie Murray resigned last month as the fallout from John Delaney's €100,000 loan to his employers in 2017 deepened.

It is unclear yet how long Koller will be involved in assisting the FAI but is expected to last at least a number of months.


Koller had previously helped the FAI when invited by Delaney to a meeting with the association’s bankers, Danske, in 2013 and agreeing to an early drawdown of millions in solidarity grants.

At the time, the FAI’s debt was soaring due to their paltry uptake of their premium ticketing scheme.

“It is a really difficult situation because of the economic crisis so we advanced certain solidarity payments” Koller said six years ago.