Ireland trio donate €25k to support Airtricity League clubs

Former League players Enda Stevens, James McClean and Kevin Long make donation

Enda Stevens of Sheffield United is one of three Ireland international to raise €25,000 to help Airtriicty League clubs. Photograph: Ross Kinnaird/Getty Images

Republic of Ireland internationals Enda Stevens, James McClean and Kevin Long have helped to boost a fund aimed at supporting SSE Airtricity League clubs during the coronavirus shutdown by €25,000.

Hours after Sligo Rovers announced temporary layoffs for players, management and administrative staff, former Ireland international Graham Barrett revealed Integrity Sports clients, including Sheffield United's Stevens, Stoke midfielder McClean and Burnley defender Long – all former League of Ireland players – had made the donation.

Barrett said in an Instagram post: “Together, we have decided to offer what little help we can to an industry very close to our hearts, the health and long-term welfare of the people within the League of Ireland. As of today we have raised 25,000 Euros.

“As footballers, we belong to a community. At times of need, communities support each other.”