O'Leary declines Ireland interview

David O'Leary has rejected an interview for the Republic of Ireland managerial vacancy

David O'Leary has rejected an interview for the Republic of Ireland managerial vacancy.  The former Leeds United and Aston Villa boss favours a return to club management.

Don Givens, Don Howe and Ray Houghton are charged with recruiting Steve Staunton's replacement but will not now be meeting the former Irish defender.

Various names have been linked with the post but O'Leary, like Paul Jewell before him, has ruled himself out in a bid to return to club management.

It would also suggest O'Leary believes the selection process is a charade and that the three-man committee will recommend the appointment of Terry Venables regardless.


O'Leary said: "After much soul-searching and thought I've declined the offer from the Football Association of Ireland to be interviewed for the vacant post of international team manager. It's a great honour and I'm very flattered to be considered.

"However, at this point in my career I wish to return to full-time club management and therefore reluctantly have decided against the opportunity to manage my country at this point."

FAI chief executive John Delaney is meeting with the three kingmakers in England today where he will be briefed on the interview process to date.

It is expected the committee will make their recommendation to the FAI Board of Management at their meeting next Tuesday.