Ronaldo holiday stalls talks

Cristiano Ronaldo's club future remains up in the air after Manchester United's Portuguese winger departed on holiday.

Cristiano Ronaldo's club future remains up in the air after Manchester United's Portuguese winger departed on holiday.

Ronaldo said last week he needed to have an operation on a nagging injury but he will now wait until his return from his break before a decision on surgery is taken.

Talks on his possible record-breaking move to Real Madrid would have had to wait until next week anyway as United chief executive David Gill is on holiday until then.

United continue to state Ronaldo is not for sale, but Real coach Bernd Schuster insists they will get him even if it costs the club a reported £80million transfer fee.


Meanwhile, United are confident they have an agreement in place to secure Carlos Tevez on a long-term deal, but it will cost the club around £10million.

United had taken the Argentina striker on a two-year basis under an agreement with the company that owned his economic rights, Media Sports Investment (MSI).

The club also had a clause that at any point during the two years they can buy him on a permanent basis by matching the original £10million fee.

United would however still have to agree a personal deal with Tevez over his length of contract and salary.

United would not be able to extend the current deal with MSI - under new Premier League rules agreed by the clubs last month no player can be signed who is owned - partly or wholly - by a third party.