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Splaine names squad of 10 riders

SHOW JUMPING: Robert Splaine, Horse Sport Ireland's show jumping team manager, yesterday named a squad of 10 riders from which he will select teams for next month's rounds of the Samsung Super League at La Baule, Rome and St Gallen, writes Margie McLoone.

The Super League, to which Ireland was promoted last year having won the FEI Nations' Cup series, is reserved for the best eight teams in the world.


"It's the start of the year and we are really looking forward to being involved in the Super League for 2008. The riders put in a huge effort last year to secure promotion and it is vital that we now pull out all the stops to ensure we stay in the top flight", said Splaine.

IRELAND (Super League squad):Shane Breen (World Cruise), Marie Burke (Chippison), Capt Shane Carey (River Foyle), Edward Doyle (Sequoyah Farms Utopia), Cameron Hanley (SIEC Livello), Marion Hughes (Heritage Transmission), Jessica Kuerten (Quibell), Denis Lynch (Lantinus, Nabab's Son, Upsilon d'Ocquier), Cian O'Connor (Irish Independent Echo Beach, Complete), Billy Twomey (Tinka's Serenade).

Launch of Tommy Quaid Cup

GAELIC GAMES:The Iverahain Golf Society will launch the inaugural Tommy Quaid Perpetual Cup tomorrow night.

The society will hold its first annual outing at Limerick County Golf and Country Club on Saturday May 10th. Membership of the society is confined to men who have worn the number one jersey at senior intercounty level for one of the six Munster counties.

The event is to honour the memory of the late, great Limerick goalkeeper Tommy Quaid, who passed away in 1998. Tommy played in goal for Limerick for 18 years and was undoubtedly one of the finest goalkeepers the game has produced in the last three decades.

Ravi confirmed

CRICKET:Phil Simmons has confirmed that West Indies one-day bowler Ravi Rampaul will play the remaining seven games of this year's Friends Provident Trophy as Ireland's overseas player, writes Emmet Riordan.

IRELAND (squad For FP Trophy games away to Leicestershire and Northampton):W Porterfield (Gloucestershire, capt), A Cusack (Clontarf), P Eaglestone (Strabane), T Fourie (Railway Union), J Hall (Waringstown), G Kidd (Waringstown), K McCallan (Waringstown), K O'Brien (Railway Union), R Rampaul (West Indies), P Stirling (Cliftonville), R Strydom (North County), A White (Instonians), G Wilson.