St Mel's more accomplished

Carnew, making their debut in the competition, more than held their own for most of this game but their inexperience cost them…

Carnew, making their debut in the competition, more than held their own for most of this game but their inexperience cost them dearly.

The more accomplished St Mel's had a try in the opening half from Ciaran Connolly and a second by Mark Farrell, converted by Brian Kennedy to lead 8-0 at half-time.

On the changeover Carnew's Pat Nolan scored a penalty but that was to be their only score and the Longford side went on to add a try from John Kelly and a penalty by Ciaran Connolly to run out convincing winners.

ST MEL'S: D Honan; P Doherty, F Kirwan, J Byrne, J Duffy; D Sweeney, M Johnson; C Connolly, M Farrell, J Kelly, B Kennedy, P Gaffney, R McDermott, J Purdy, W O'Halloran. Replacements: G McGoldrick for Purdy; H Clifford for McDermott.


CARNEW CS: J Dempsey; E Kenny, D Burnell, E Murphy, P Culken; W Dillon, G Kelly; J Byrne, M Young, B O'Sullivan, D Kavanagh, S Hennessy, C Maher, D Cullen, P Nolan. Replace- ments: S Doyle for Kenny; S McDowell for Murphy.

Referee: T P Keenan.