Star watch: DJ Carey and Brian Whelahan

DJ Carey

DJ Carey

Pre-match: Emerges helmet-less, last of the Kilkenny players from the dressing-room. After team photo, Kilkenny go to the Canal end for puckaround. Carey practises his shooting from the 40-metre line. Collects helmet from team mentor after the parade.

First Half

1st minute - Gathers Willie O'Connor clearance and handpasses out to Denis Byrne, who drives wide.


4th - Wins free out on sideline on Cusack side after chopping by marker Kevin Kinahan. Taken short by Henry Shefflin, Byrne drives over for point.

7th - Gathers from Niall Claffey error, advances and goals with left to right shot past Stephen Byrne.

10th - After Henry Shefflin shot is cleared off line by Claffey, Carey flicks home the rebound. Goal subsequently credited to Shefflin.

10th - Picks up loose ball and drives over for first point.

14th - Takes quite a shoulder from Kinahan. Sequence of play ends with Carter point.

19th - Beaten to the ball by Kinahan who clears.

32nd - At the bottom of a scrum of players that results in Willie Barrett throw-ball. After Shefflin wins the throw-in, Carey gathers, turns, runs and shoots. Byrne saves but the ball is put into the net in the follow-up by Charlie Carter.

33rd - Unable to prevent Kinahan clearance.

34th - Picks up the pieces from Shefflin and Claffey clash and drives over a point.

Second half

55th minute - Play bypasses him for opening 20 minutes of half, but he finishes strongly. Gathers on sideline under empty section of Hogan stand and wins free after foul by Kinahan.

65th - Gathers 30 yards out, turns and attempts handpass to Carter but it runs on too far. Switched out to left-half forward.

67th - Gathers from Offaly puck-out but drives wide from centrefield.

71st - Takes pass from Eddie Brennan and drives over for his third point.

73rd - Stumbles as he attempts to take pass but gathers nonetheless. Gets up and hits point number four from 45 yards on left.

Final whistle - Salutes Canal end with raised clinched fists before he is congratulated by mentors and swamped by photographers.

Brian Whelahan

Pre-match - Third out as Offaly emerge from dressing-room. Pucks around with Joe Errity during warm-up.

First half

7th minute - Failed attempt to hook DJ Carey for Kilkenny's first goal.

10th - Loses out to his marker John Hoyne, who puts in Henry Shefflin for Kilkenny's second goal.

14th - Kilkenny puck-out breaks Hoyne's way and he moves the sliotar on.

18th - First clearance.

20th - Catches Willie O'Connor clearance and handpasses on to Ger Oakley.

21st - Intervenes to help out Johnny Dooley. Throwball results.

25th - Hoyne gets in ahead of him but drives wide.

26th - Breaks up attack on left with customary aplomb, pushing ball back towards his own goal before gathering and striking.

27th - Gathers and handpasses off to Johnny Dooley.

29th - Makes clearance along sideline in build-up to Johnny Pilkington point.

30th - Takes possession and offloads handpass to Kevin Kinahan who clears.

35th - Gathers and handpasses clear to Niall Claffey.

Second half

36th - Moves to right corner forward, marked by Willie O'Connor.

47th - Runs out to left corner to gather, passes to Joe Dooley who drops his shot short to Whelahan's obvious frustration.

53rd - Gathers on sideline and wins free off O'Connor.

57th - Collects the ball centrally and hits a low ball into Pilkington. Ball cleared, however.

63rd - Gathers centrally, 40 metres out. Weighs up options before driving over a point.

Final whistle - Embraces marker Willie O'Connor and moves on to congratulate Michael Kavanagh.