Super Mario: No shopper

IT'S BECOMING increasingly difficult not to love Mario Balotelli, especially after one Sun story last week.

IT'S BECOMING increasingly difficult not to love Mario Balotelli, especially after one Sun story last week.

His mother, apparently, sent him shopping for a bunch of household products after the woman they hired to keep his Manchester home shipshape pointed out that it didn't contain a single item she could actually use.

So, Mario set off with a list, that including an iron, ironing board and a string of cleaning products, and according to a tweet from an "insider": "Mario returns 5 hrs later empty-handed.

Cleaner: "Er, where's the iron, iron-board etc?"


Then a big John Lewis van arrives. Contains nothing from the list but the following "practical" items: Giant trampoline, Scalextric, two Vespas, table tennis set."

The boy might be a genius, but his house is still a mess.