Team Ireland go green

Motor Sport: The green car raced by Adam Carroll for A1 Team Ireland goes even more "green" in tomorrow's fifth round of the…

Motor Sport:The green car raced by Adam Carroll for A1 Team Ireland goes even more "green" in tomorrow's fifth round of the World Cup of Motorsport as all 22 national teams competing in the A1 Grand Prix Taupo in New Zealand will race with biofuel rather than petrol in their tanks.

The 3.5 litre Zytec engines have been adapted to use a fuel called Hiperflo E30, sourced in Europe from sugar beet and produced specificially for A1GP. The ethanol based fuel will cut CO2 emissions by 21 per cent in a unique first for motor racing to go green and reduce its carbon footprint. Ireland are seventh in the points standings on a score of 39, only two points behind Netherlands. Switzerland lead the series on 79 points, followed by France 60, New Zealand 59.

Carroll will be joined by Dunboyne driver Niall Quinn, who impressed in his recent Asian Formula three debut with two second places and a fastest lap. Quinn takes a rookie role only in the pre-race runs.

This weekend's Monte Carlo Rally marks the start of the World Rally Championship, cut from 16 to 15 rounds. The championship is being reduced to a more manageable 12 rounds in 2009, starting with a return of Rally Ireland on January 29th/February 1st and replacing the Monte as the opening round.


Irish stage rallying gets under way at Kirkistown circuit tomorrow.

FIXTURES: Saturday - 500 MRCI, New Year Stages Rally, Kirkistown, Co Down, 9am; Garda Síochána MC, Sporting Trial, Bohernabreena, Tallaght, Dublin, 24, 11.30am; Cork MC, Navigation Trial, starts Coolcower House, Macroom, Co Cork, 11pm. Sunday - Midland MC, Hewison Trophy Autotest, Athlone Road, Longford, 11am.