Testers find new club ties

It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it - and, despite the dastardly weather during the summer months and now into the autumn…

It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it - and, despite the dastardly weather during the summer months and now into the autumn, our testers, Paddy Cullen and Aonghus McAnally, have been diligently playing golf in various places and assessing different clubs.

One of the most important aspects of getting a good score on your competition card is how well you use your irons and, this week, in the second of an occasional series on equipment testing, the pair turn their attentions to the club that's invariably in your hand as you eye up the flag in the distance.

Cullen, an 18-handicapper in Hermitage Golf Club, and McAnally, who plays off nine at St Margaret's Golf and Country Club, have been sampling MacGregor irons which they have used both on the course and on the driving range, and basically living up to the job description - to "have fun" while playing the game but also to give us an insight into what handicap players think of different clubs on the market.