Nemanja Vidic v Emmanuel Adebayor: The Serb is more than happy when defending deep

Nemanja Vidic v Emmanuel Adebayor:The Serb is more than happy when defending deep. His head work is excellent as he has great spring and "necks" the ball powerfully from a standing jump.

He is also superb at timing his tackles. Vidic will know he needs to keep Adebayor on his left side – the striker’s weaker foot – and away from goal. If the Arsenal forward breaks down the right, he has enough sleight of foot to get in a shot or set up a colleague. Vidic may be tougher mentally than Adebayor, but if the Togo forward is switched on, he will give the centre-half a hard time.

Patrice Evra v Theo Walcott

Arsenal’s flying wide man has recovered from injury and is giving his colleagues the opportunity to benefit by holding that width and using his speed down the right-hand side. His pace keeps the covering full-back occupied and this allows more space for his colleagues inside.


His progress has been exceptional and he appreciates his colleagues with much more awareness these days: he knows when and where to pass, and when to attempt to outrun his opponent. Evra will know all his strengths and weaknesses and he will try to manoeuvre him away from the danger areas. The experiences of the former Monaco man might just shade this battle, but the major menace Walcott offers is on the counter-attack.

Michael Carrick v Cesc Fabregas

The Spanish midfielder is probably the most inventive of the foreign “passing” players plying their trade in this country. He can play tidy early passes to keep the play moving in Arsenal’s one-touch style, but he has the uncanny ability also to provide disguised passes which he can thread through the eye of a needle. Carrick will not be drawn out if Fabregas drops deep. He will want to stay fairly central to cut out danger and protect his centre-halves.

When Fabregas has the ball in the middle third, United will have to squeeze the play from the back and keep the space between the lines tight, giving other midfield colleagues a chance of getting in firm challenges on the Arsenal midfielder.

By the same token, when United receive possession, Fabregas, as the foremost midfielder, must try to stop Carrick dictating the home side’s rhythm with his astute passing from deep.

  • Guardian Service