Trivia Pursuit

This week it is Ireland's flying wing Denis Hickie (pictured above after Saturday's match) who pauses long enough to offer a …

This week it is Ireland's flying wing Denis Hickie (pictured above after Saturday's match) who pauses long enough to offer a glimpse behind his game face.

1. Favourite line from a movie? There can be no fighting in the war room. "Peter Sellars tried to diffuse traditional rivalries in the movie Dr Strangelove."

2. What's your nickname? "I actually don't have one. People either call me Den, Den boy or Denzil. (Editor's note: We're going to have to get rid of this question as there is a shocking lack of thought put into rugby players' nicknames.)

3. What is the most recent book that you have read? "American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. I found it very funny in places despite the fact that it is also very disturbing. I'm not doing a great deal of reading at the moment."


4. Two things/people that you would bring to a desert island? "My guitar and my guitar teacher who would look uncannily like a 1970's Rachel Welch. I'm not very good at the guitar, so I'd need to be marooned for quite a long time purely so I could improve."

5. Meat and two vegetables or Lemon Sole with a garlic jus? "I suppose my favourite food would be Monkfish. I go out quite a lot to eat and enjoy trying different things. I'm also about to move out from home so I'll probably be eating out even more."

6. Favourite other sport outside of rugby? "It would have to be athletics. I loved competing at school and in a watching capacity I'd be glued to the television when the Olympics or the World Championships were on. The 400 metres would be my favourite event, to watch that is."

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer