TV three

In a break with tradition, three broadcasters - rather than actual sportsmen - were named as the recipients of the Forte Posthouse…

In a break with tradition, three broadcasters - rather than actual sportsmen - were named as the recipients of the Forte Posthouse Legends in Life Awards at a function in Dublin yesterday.

Fred Cogley, Jimmy Magee and Micheal O Muircheartaigh, who have 150 years of broadcasting experience between them, were yesterday presented with the awards in recognition of their contribution to Irish sports journalism.

Previous winners have included Geroge Best, Stephen Roche, Pat Jennings, Vincent O'Brien, Mary Peters, Jonjo O'Neill and Jimmy Keaveney - and Brian Thornton, general manager of the Forte Posthouse said that it was "fitting that we should be honouring three men who have helped bring sporting occasions so close and alive for us".