"We are the people elected"

"WE have taken this action because of the total and utter lack of communication and consultation with us from the Minister

"WE have taken this action because of the total and utter lack of communication and consultation with us from the Minister. Last June the Minister assured me that what vas coming out of the sports strategy group report were only recommendations. He assured me that anything in the report which could affect us in any way would be the subject of consultation.

"As a result, we sought an advance copy of the report before the launch so that we could look at it positively and have something to say. Yet despite several requests to the Minister and John Treacy they refused to provide an advance copy.

"Then they treated us in a most shameful way on the day of the launch, they gagged us, in effect, excluding us from the press conference and, at the subsequent presentation, the microphones were unplugged as soon as the Minister and John Treacy finished speaking. In terms of Government transparency it leaves a lot to be desired.

"Since then we have never been advised by anyone that our funds are being removed. That is no way to go about business after 27 years of successfully funding Olympic efforts through us. It is inconceivable that a change could be made without consultation. It is a matter of legitimate expectation in law.


"We have already started, with the Minister's go ahead, assessing what sports need for the four year cycle to Sydney. Those sports have not received a penny to date and will not do so until mid June. Several of them have cancelled participation in international events because of lack of funding.

"The threat of legal action is very serious. We have taken legal opinion. The consultation with our lawyers is ongoing. We have a legitimate expectation. We consider it a breach of the rules of natural justice that these decisions could be taken behind closed doors without any consultation with the body elected to manage Olympic affairs. We are the people elected.

"They are trying to run Olympic affairs through political appointees who do not represent Olympic sports. Every document emanating from the (new) council about grants is tagged with the words subject to the approval of the Minister'. If this is not the politicisation of Irish sport I don't know what is. Next thing the Minister will want to try and pick the Olympic team for Sydney.

"Our charter is to keep away from all political interference. It is our view that we are being subjected to interference of that nature and we will resist it.