What dreams may come

What, we may ask, will the future hold for Bob May, after his superb performance in defeat last weekend? Perhaps it is inevitable…

What, we may ask, will the future hold for Bob May, after his superb performance in defeat last weekend? Perhaps it is inevitable that we should draw comparisons with Mike Donald, who was an even greater underdog when he lost the US Open to Hale Irwin at Medinah in 1990. Where May went 75 holes with Woods, Donald forced an 18-hole play-off before losing eventually in sudden death, a total of 91 holes. And considering the raker which Irwin holed on the 72nd green, he might well subscribe to the late Gardner Dickinson's belief that even if he lived to 150, the golfing gods still wouldn't have time to level the scales. So, how does he feel about it all now, 10 years on?

At 45, Donald gets into the odd regular tour event but plays mostly these days on the Buy.Com Tour in the US. "I tried to change my swing and it didn't work," he said. "I wish I hadn't seen so many videos of myself because I tend to over-analyse things.

"Looking back to 1990, it is what it is and I finished where I finished. I can't live with what-ifs. I don't dwell on the Open. It's still my favourite tournament and I'll try to qualify every year I'm healthy." We can only hope that the splendid May enjoys better fortune.

This day in golf history . . . On August 26th, 1939, newspapers carried a report from Henry Cotton that most courses in Britain had been torn up and covered with posts and poles to stop German war planes from landing. But he added that golfers were continuing to enjoy their beloved pursuit, despite the inconvenience.


Teaser: In a bunker, A plays a wrong ball. In doing so, he accidentally moves a nearby ball which turns out to be his ball. Does A incur a penalty?

Answer: Yes. A could have had the nearby ball lifted under Rule 22. As it is, A incurs a penalty of one stroke for moving his ball and must replace the ball on the spot from which it was moved. If the lie has been altered, it should be recreated as required by Rule 20-3b. He does not, however, incur a penalty for playing a wrong ball in a hazard (Rule 15).