Wood proves his fitness

KEITH WOOD amply proved his return to fitness and availability for the Lions tour in Harlequins' defeat of Saracens in the Courage…

KEITH WOOD amply proved his return to fitness and availability for the Lions tour in Harlequins' defeat of Saracens in the Courage League last night. In trademark fashion, Wood repeatedly charged into a wall of opponents to test his iniured shoulder.

Ireland captain Jim Staples was on the scoresheet as Harlequins moved back into the critical fourth place spot that could mean European rugby next season by dismissing a sad Saracens side.

Saracens were by tar the worse of two sides, who produced something of an anti climax in a week of such dramatic, cliff hanging club rugby.

Harlequins had the game comfortably won before a couple of tries in the final four minutes put the icing on the cake. Scores from full back Staples and centre Peter Mensah, both converted by Thierry Lacroix, more than doubled their score.


Saracens were tryless for the second consecutive game, having failed to cross Gloucester's goalline at the weekend and had the indignity of the rarest score of all in modern rugby - a duck.

Their nil return came despite being awarded 12 first half penalties and gaining 17 line out takes.

Saracens were trailing as early as the sixth minute when Harlequins pinched a line out throw and moved the ball down the line. Will Carling found Staples as an extra man and wing Daren O'Leary was sent in with a typical sprint from 45 yards.

Carling pulled off an important tackle on Irish wing Richard Wallace before half time and Saracens had nothing to offer after the interval.

Lacroix added penalties in the 46th and 61st minutes and his conversions of the later tries made his contribution 164 points in 12 matches.

Staples scored on the blind side of a ruck and Mensah broke through after a winning scrum - both moves emphasising that Saracens' demoralisation was complete.