Confessions of a millennial and more...

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Confessions of a millennial - 'We were told we were special and could achieve anything': When you graduate, you should have completed at least three internships, have glowing academic recommendations and a list the length of your arm of extracurricular activities. Read more here.

'My needy friend texts me several times a day. It's not normal': I am a 23-year-old woman. I have one friend, who texts me probably five times a day on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook. Read more here.

Syrian refugee student wins State scholarship: Suadd Alshleh who came to Ireland with her mother 'hopes to be a success story for others' Read more here.

We may have reached 'peak car' as young people turn away from driving: It is approaching "five minutes to midnight" for the private car as young people are increasingly choosing other modes of transport, a conference on sustainable living has heard. Read more here.


Call for Government not to penalise coffee shops moving from single-use plastics: A proposed new levy on disposable cups will unfairly penalise coffee shops and consumers who are already committed to moving away from single-use plastics, coffee shop owners have said. Read more here.

Keanu Reeves - Everyone is talking about his new girlfriend, and it's not why you think: If poor Jennifer Aniston had a male equivalent it would probably be poor Keanu Reeves. Read more here.

Was the Leaving Cert harder in the old days? What sort of so-called modern maths exam lacks matrices, calculus and complex numbers? Read more here.