Coronavirus, Mick McCarthy, What to watch this week

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Dr Dermot Kelly, consultant anaesthetist. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

Irish doctors on getting Covid-19: 'In 90 minutes, I deteriorated quite rapidly': One in four people infected by Covid-19 in Ireland are healthcare workers, figures have shown. A breakdown of this cohort last week showed 25 per cent of these were doctors. Read more here.

Genetics shed light on origins of Irish strains of Covid-19: Since the Covid-19 virus strain was first identified in early 2020, scientists have been able to track its progress around the world. Read more here.

TV Guide: 24 of the best TV shows to watch this week: Enid Blyton's Malory Towers, Coronavirus: How Clean Is Your House? and a sordid tale of a countess and a billionaire. Read more here.

Is féidir athruithe as cuimse a chur i gcrích: Is trí shúile an chultúir thart timpeall orainn a fheiceann muid an saol. Is as a bhfaigheann muid brí ar an tsochaí ina bhfuil muid rannpháirteach agus tuiscint ar a bhfuil i ndán dúinn inti. Read more here.


Ken Early: Mick McCarthy II was no blockbuster, more of a flop; The ages of Irish football can be summed up in a phrase. "Put 'em under pressure." "Stick it up your bollocks." "I'm the gaffer." "They have no the tribune." Read more here.

Una Mullally: Leo Varadkar's mask drops again Something changed last week. The mood shifted. With the initial shock of the pandemic's arrival on our shores dissipating, a grim numbness has taken hold. Read more here.

Covid-19 has proved worse than the film-makers imagined: A few weeks ago (or was it decades?), when the current crisis slipped up eight jarring gears, articles such as this began telling readers that everyone was now watching Steven Soderbergh's Contagion. Read more now.