Dublin lambasted, the Crown reviewed, DCU aviation award

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Dirty, dreary, expensive, nothing to do: British parents give their verdict on Dublin: Dublin is drab, expensive and with very little to do for a city purporting to be a major tourism destination, according to readers of one of Britain's most influential websites. Read more here.

The Crown is about a rich family who stay still: The Crown is back on Netflix. Patrick Freyne gives nothing away in his review. Read more here.

DCU students awarded €5,000 scholarships by aviation body: Two aviation students at Dublin City University (DCU)have each been awarded a €5,000 scholarship by the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) to cover their college fees. Read more here.

Following a family tradition of teaching and lifelong learning: My grandmother, Mary Katherine Duffy of Drumalish, Co Monaghan, qualified as a teacher in 1915. Evidently she was a good student as she was awarded a king's scholarship upon finishing her studies. Read more here.


'All I wanted was to find out my birth mother was Twink or Linda Martin': Comedian Joanne McNally was born to perform but it took an eating disorder to kickstart her career. Read more here.

Senior academics have 'little confidence' in management of their own colleges: Senior academics have little confidence in the governance and management capacity of their own higher education institutions, according to a new survey. Read more here.

Teenagers who spend longer online have higher depression rates: Young people who spend three hours or more online each day are more likely to miss out on sleep and have higher rates of anxiety and depression, according to a major study of youth mental health. Read more here.

Higher education sector has 'failed to make case for funding': The higher education and research sector has failed to convince successive governments of the business case for investment at an adequate level, a conference organised by the British Irish Chamber of Commerce has heard. Read more here.