Have your say: Online vs in-person exams?

Would you feel safe returning to campus for end of semester in-person exams?

Trinity College Dublin is one of a number of universities that said it was seeking to accommodate students who might face difficulties with exams given the worsening Covid-19 situation.

Students are demanding that third-level institutions revert to using online exams as concerns continue over the safety of reopening exam halls due to the ongoing surge in Covid-19 cases.

Most universities are planning a combination of in-person exams for the first time in two years as well as online assessments next month. We would like to hear your views on what approach you think should be taken. Do you think college authorities are doing enough to assuage student fears as they respond to the ongoing health crisis. You can share your views using this form.

However, some students’ unions are calling for in-person exams to be cancelled or students to be given the right to defer exams if they are forced to restrict their movements.

But what do you think? Would you feel safe returning to campus for end of semester in-person exams?