Nipah virus, Oíche Shamhna, 50 scary films and more...

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Scientists still debate over why bats seem to harbour so many viruses. Photograph: Olivier Farcy

The real Contagion virus is out there and it's causing virologists to worry: There are fears Nipah virus – which has a mortality rate of between 40 and 100% – could become more transmissible. Read more.

Púcaí, piseoga, cleasaíocht agus diabhlaíocht: Cé gur mhinic an Chríostaíocht agus an Phágántacht in adharca a chéile sa seansaol, faoin am go raibh an streachailt idir an dá iris thart, mhair roinnt nósanna agus gnásanna a d'eascair as an dá thraidisiún. Ar lean.

50 scary films to watch at Halloween: No Halloween parties. No trick-or-treating. What else is there to do but scare ourselves silly watching some terrifying films? Here you'll find 50 of the bloodiest, creepiest and downright scary films to ever haunt our screens. Read more.

Coróinvíreas agus arán banana: A major new English-Irish dictionary is launched: The first major English-Irish dictionary to be published in over 60 years will be launched today by President Michael D Higgins. Read more.


Let's not do the same thing and expect a different outcome: Mass screening of high-risk groups using a saliva-based test will be more effective than PCR swabs. Read more.

Thinking behind the National Archive needs to be revised: Diarmaid Ferriter: Records of Mother and Baby Home inquiry have raised wider questions about access to archival material. Read more.

UCC criticised for links with controversial Chinese university: Minzu University's relationship with Beijing raises 'huge ethical issues', professor says. Read more.

Covid gives us a chance to take higher education by the scruff of the neck: Lecturers are opening up about teaching, sharing ideas and taking student engagement seriously. Read more.