Postgrad & MBA special digest

Welcome to the Student Hub weekly digest - this week we have a special on further study

Thinking of a change in focus? There are postgrad courses available in Ireland in practically every area of study.

Welcome to this week’s special Postgraduate & MBA Student Hub digest. In this special supplement we examine how a specialised qualification can help you change career direction or gain new skills. If you are thinking of further study we examine what you should expect post-pandemic and we also showcase courses in colleges around the country.

1. How to differentiate between courses
If you are considering doing a postgraduate degree, there is a lot more to consider than the course subject. You will have to differentiate between what type of courses are on offer and, more particularly, you will need to ensure your course has credibility in the labour market. And this can be a major challenge.

2. How to fund your further study
If you're thinking about undertaking a postgraduate degree, how you're going to fund it will be one of your biggest considerations. However, there are scholarships, awards and State funding available to help prospective students cover the cost of their postgraduate study.

3. Further study moves to hybrid – but will the changes stick?
In recent years, more students have gone to a so-called "fourth-level" course after a few years – or even decades – in work, a shift away from a time when most postgraduates went straight from college into their master's degree course.


4. Getting the right advice: How to choose a postgraduate course
When it comes to choosing a postgraduate course there are more flexible options available these days than ever before: students can still immerse themselves in a one-year full-time or two-year part-time masters programme, but they can also take shorter courses

5. How further study can boost your career
There are many reasons to take on a postgraduate course, but boosting your career is probably the biggest.

6. 10 things to consider about doing an MBA
What you need to know about doing a business management degree.

7. Spotlight on MBA courses around the country
A selection of popular MBA courses in some of Ireland's universities and colleges.

8. Spotlight on postgrad courses around the country
We list the top five courses and focus on a sample course from each college featured.

9. Other options: studying in Europe
People pursue master's degrees for a variety of reasons, such as to progress further in a chosen career path, to hold an additional qualification in that area (which could lead to higher remuneration when joining/rejoining the workforce), to expand their knowledge or even to change career paths entirely. We talked to students who opted to study abroad to see how they view it.