Rebuilding Ireland, Irish language rights, Normal People, Aodh Ruadh Ó Domhnaill

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Una Mullally: ’Sustained unemployment will disproportionately impact young people’.  Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Young people will rebuild Ireland from ashes: The weekend featured two anniversaries now embedded in Irish modern history: the five-year anniversary of the marriage-equality referendum and the two-year anniversary of a referendum that's now simply called "Repeal". Read more here.

'Is gá dúinn dul i bhfeidhm anois': Tá deis againn fós cothrom na féinne a bhaint amach don Ghaeilge agus don Ghaeltacht sa chlár Rialtais nua atá á phlé faoi láthair ag an gComhaontas Glas, Fianna Fáil agus Fine Gael. Read more here.

Normal People producers order Pornhub to remove pirated sex scenes: The producers of the hit TV series Normal People have issued Pornhub with a takedown request after sex scenes from the programme were uploaded to the pornography site. Read more here.

Red Hugh O'Donnell's burial place 'found': Spanish archaeologists will today begin a dig inside the remains of a chapel where they are "quite sure" Red Hugh O'Donnell is buried. Read more here.


Dying for an iPhone: Inside the factories that produce Apple's bestselling product: The explosion in consumer electronics, particularly smartphones and tablets, over the past 15 years has produced a new frontier in the battle against labour and humanitarian abuse in commercial supply lines. Read more here.

Dominic Cummings affair reflects Brexit exceptionalism: Dominic Cummings, senior adviser to British prime minister Boris Johnson, took, at the very least, a casual approach to the Covid-19 restrictions. Read more here.

It's not just the pandemic curve - squash the infodemic curve too: After five weeks of restrictions Dr Tony Holohan cautiously announced we had flattened the curve of the coronavirus epidemic with no peak in sight. Read more here.

Dublin could be heaven - Frank McDonald reimagines the capital: It was a viral video clip of raucous revellers in Oliver St John Gogarty's, punching the air as they joined a band banging out the chorus of Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline, that led to a voluntary closure of pubs in Temple Bar on the weekend before St Patrick's Day. Read more here.