Irish Red Cross seeking student nominations for humanitarian award

Society seeking to recognise those who have had a humanitarian impact on the lives of others

Have you, or another student you know, engaged in humanitarian work through volunteering, campaigning, fundraising or other extra-curricular work?

The Irish Red Cross is seeking nominations for its Student Initiative Award to recognise those who have had a humanitarian impact on the lives of others.

The award is one of six Irish Red Cross Humanitarians Awards which will be presented at the IRC Humanitarian Awards Ball in Dublin’s Clayton Hotel next month.

Nominations will be judged by members of the Irish Red Cross Humanitarian Awards adjudication panel comprised of several senior Irish business leaders including Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland, Liam O’Brien Director of Strategy & External Affairs at Vodafone Ireland and Derry Gray, Partner in BDO.


To qualify, nominees should be registered with an Irish educational institution and their humanitarian achievements must have taken place during their course of study, over the last two years.

Nominees are being asked to provide supplementary information to support the entry.

Key judging criteria for the award include the following:

* How the nominee(s) made an outstanding contribution to humanitarian work/ issues

* How many people were impacted/ reached/ influenced/ educated by the work of the nominee(s)

* How much of a lasting impact the nominee(s) is making on the lives of others

* How the nominee(s) and/ or their story is inspiring others to make change

* How compelling you tell your/ your nominee(s) story

Individuals, teams and organisations can be nominated for the award. For more information visit: The deadline for entry is October 15th.