Small music venues ‘barely treading water’ awaiting promised Covid support

Welcome to the Student Hub weekly digest - a selection of stories, reviews and podcasts

Edel Curtain of the Live Venue Collective and owner of Coughlan’s live venue in Cork city. Photograph: Daragh Mc Sweeney/ Provision

Music venues are voicing increased frustration at what they say is the slow pace of rolling out a post-Covid recovery support scheme for the sector. The Live Venue Collective wrote to Minister for Culture Catherine Martin this week pleading for action: "We desperately need you to act upon your words."

The latest episode in Keeping Up With The Mounbatten-Windsors has left viewers with a few vexing questions. Why has lumpen oaf Andrew paid a multimillion euro settlement – reportedly between stg£7.5million (€8.8 million) and £12 million (€14.3 million) – to Virginia Roberts Giuffre, a woman he was previously almost, no, in fact, fully convinced he had "no recollection of ever meeting, none whatsoever"?

Britons John Shaw and Geoffrey Evans first met in prison in England in the 1970s. In the long hot summer of 1976, they drove around Ireland, executing their grotesque pact. By the end of that time, Elizabeth Plunkett and Mary Duffy, both 23, had been murdered.

It is the largest study abroad programme of its type in the world. In fact, it has been so successful that the term "Erasmus" is now the internationally understood shorthand for those who study abroad no matter what the funding background. A surge in demand for Erasmus places among Irish students is welcome news.


One of the things that complicates life is that those who are not malign may not be entirely benign either. This is true even of the unfolding crisis over Russia's implicit threat to invade Ukraine.

Ar nós go leor daoine eile ar na saolta contúirteacha seo agus sinn ar thairseach an tríú chogadh domhanda gabhaim amach i moiche na maidne chun féachaint amach ar an bhfarraige.