The travel tales – Nightmare on Maine street

The College View: Shauna Bowers on how travel has become just as interwoven with student life

Photograph: Rawpixel/iStockphoto

When January hits, the Facebook posts of people checking into Dublin Airport soars as students take advantage of the long winter break and go experience different cultures in different countries for a few days.

Then college returns and there are mid-term excursions to Amsterdam, Prague or maybe just down the country. Once the academic year ends, the onslaught of J1 announcements begin all over social media.

Some people go interrailing, some visit Thailand, some just go away for a couple of days but no matter what, students really like to make the most of their time off by exploring different places.

Travelling has become just as interwoven with student life as attending lectures, coffee breaks and nights out but sometimes travelling as a student isn’t as glamorous as you think it might be. With money constraints and bad treatment sometimes travelling can really have some nightmarish elements.

I spent the summer in Maine working at a summer camp. On one of our days off, a group of us rented out a house so that we could have a few drinks and just get off camp because we spent pretty much all day, every day there and we needed a break. We found the place through AirBnB and the owner wanted us to pay him in cash so we forked out the whopping 800 dollars and had it ready for our arrival.

We finished working at camp at 9:30 that night and then we drove for an hour and a half to the house we had booked. It was a massive house, with five bedrooms, two bathrooms and a huge living space. There were 15 of us meant to be sharing the house which meant there were was plenty of space for us all.

When we arrived at the house we all went inside, and got set up when suddenly there was quite an aggressive knock at the door. One of my friends opened the door and he was greeted with two very big, muscular men and their alsatian and they were not happy with us.

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