Tomislav Perko: Around the World in 1000 Days

Leah Driscoll chats with Tomislav Perko, author of 1000 Days of Spring, about his experience packing up and living a life of travel.

Picture this: you’re a high-flying stockbroker. You’re only in your early twenties, yet things have already worked out pretty well for you. Your idea of a uniform is a suit and tie, and you’re making a delightful amount of money as you reach the peak of the rollercoaster that is the stock market.

Suddenly, the global downturn of 2008 arrives, and the rollercoaster has just dramatically and tragically veered off its tracks. You’ve lost all of your earnings, not to mention your friends’ and family’s savings. What do you do? You drop everything and travel the world, of course.

Or at least that’s what Tomislav Perko did. After losing it all in what he describes as “the worst period of my life” and with his career as a stockbroker broken beyond repair, Perko set on a mission to travel around the world on a budget of just ten dollars a day.

This quest saw him experience the splendours of the southern atmosphere, moving from Asia to Australia, to Africa and South America –all of this done while essentially living on pocket change.


Six years later, and with a wealth of travel experience under his belt, Motley spoke to Perko about his adventures. First and foremost on the list of questions: how can you possibly survive on ten dollars a day?

Pretty unconventionally, it seems.

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