UCC Law Soc to hold inaugural 'Women in Law' forum

Forum to showcase a wide range of influential women with prominent careers across the legal sector

From left: Professor Irene Lynch Fannon, Law Society Auditor Aoife McCarthy, and Dr Louise Crowley.

The UCC Law Society will bring together female leaders in the legal sector to encourage female students to pursue legal careers at their inaugural Women in Law forum.

The forum, the first of its kind in Ireland, was coordinated in response to the very real hesitations highlighted by female students in the School of Law endeavouring to pursue legal careers. UCC Law Society is committed to emphasising that gender is not an obstacle to a career in law.

The forum will be held in Cork on March 10, 2017 at the Hayfield Manor. The forum will run over two sessions between 9am and 5pm and will cover topics relevant to the pursuit of both traditional and less conventional legal careers. Any proceeds raised by the forum will be donated to Dress4Success and Edel House.

“This Forum featuring women who currently occupy significant roles in Irish public and corporate life is a welcome initiative from the UCC student Law Society,” said conference chair of the morning session, Professor Irene Lynch Fannon.


“I can only think of how different the experience of women law students and lawyers was in the late 70s and 80s when I was in UCD. I hope we can all continue to advocate for an ever more open and inclusive experience of the law and legal institutions in Ireland.”

The forum will showcase a wide range of influential women with prominent careers across the legal sector.

The morning session will feature speakers such as the first female Chief Justice of Canada, an Irish Supreme Court Justice and the first female Director of Public Prosecutions in Ireland. The afternoon session will be chaired by Dr. Louise Crowley and will feature, amongst others, an Irish Senator, a T.D., and the European Ombudsman.

Limited spaces are available for the forum and those wishing to register should email
